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Nov 03

Skype-Crypto ge-reverse-engineered

am 27. CCC in Berlin wird es wohl einen besonders interessanten Vortrag geben:

....For eight years, Skype enjoyed selling the world security by obscurity. We must admit, really good obscurity. I mean, really really good obscurity. So good that almost no one has been able to reverse engineer it ...

Nov 02

Contacting CERTs

Das SANS ISC hat einen netten kleinen Artikel ueber das Kontaktieren von CERTs:

Autor: Robert Waldner

Nov 02

Mapping the Malware Web

McAfee published the 2010 "Mapping the Malware Web" report. The explanations and trends in there are worth looking at. More importantly, for us as the CERT, this report is one of the few independent studies which provides us with real numbers on the state of the IT Security game in Austria.

.at is ...

Nov 02

Firefox-Plugins fuer Pen-Tests

Ein rezenter Post im Avast-Forum ( listet etliche praktische Firefox-Plugins:
* Multi-proxy-switch:
* to quickly change between Burp and ...

Nov 02

Wieder mal (potentieller) lokaler Linux root-Exploit

Durch ein konzeptionelles Problem in der Speicherverwaltung von Linux können lokale Angreifer unter Linux Code mit Root-Rechten ausführen, wie Rafal Wojtczuk in seinem Paper beschreibt. Das Problem beruht ...

Nov 02

Team Cymru veroeffentlicht WinMHR

'....The non-profit, Chicago-based internet security research firm Team Cymru (pronounced 'kum-ree') will release a new tool next month that it hopes will be a game changer in the fight against world-wide cyber crime......'

Nov 02

Neues OpenSSH (5.6)


Autor: Robert Waldner