Tageszusammenfassung - Freitag 21-09-2012

End-of-Shift report

Timeframe: Donnerstag 20-09-2012 18:00 − Freitag 21-09-2012 18:00 Handler: Stephan Richter

Vuln: WebKit Multiple Unspecified Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities

WebKit Multiple Unspecified Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities


BitTorrent Users DDoS Websites Without Knowing

"Millions of BitTorrent users are unknowingly DDoSing websites because publishers of popular torrents mistakenly add website URLs as trackers. The DDoSes drag websites down and their operators have very few options to mitigate these attacks. But, thanks to a new BitTorrent protocol enhancement this is about to change...."


Critical flaw exposes Oracle database passwords

Vuln leaves barn door open to brute-force attacks A security researcher says some versions of the Oracle database contain a vulnerability so serious that anyone with access to the server over a network can crack database passwords using a basic brute-force attack, given nothing more than the name of the database and a valid username.…


Vuln: Condor Multiple Security Bypass Vulnerabilities

Condor Multiple Security Bypass Vulnerabilities


Vuln: Red Hat Enterprise MRG Grid Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

Red Hat Enterprise MRG Grid Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities


Will You Be More Secure if You Abandon Internet Explorer?

"The German government is urging people to abandon Internet Explorer to avoid zero-day attacks currently circulating in the wild. Microsoft is scrambling to develop a patch to address the problem. The dirty secret, though, is the attack relies on Java being present, so Java--not Internet Explorer--is the Achilles heel of this equation...."
