For cybercriminals everywhere, it's still business as usual. The recent global ATM heist that stole a total of $45M showed that orchestrated targeted attacks continues to plague organizations globally. Legacy approaches to identifying threats are not keeping up with the tactics being used to exfiltrate precious assets and corporate secrets.
Child-Porn Suspect Ordered to Decrypt His Own Data
federal magistrate is reversing course and ordering a Wisconsin man suspected of possessing child pornography to decrypt hard drives the authorities seized from his residence. Decryption orders are rare, but are likely to become more commonplace as the public ...
Secunia Broadcasts Zero-day Vulnerability via Email
SecurityWeek has learned that Secunia, a Danish vulnerability management firm, disclosed an unpatched vulnerability within an image viewing application used by organizations in both the private and the defense sectors to a public mailing list.
Release me from a botnet
At the beginning of August 2012, an outbreak of the Dorifel virus was observed. This outbreak primarily infected systems in the Netherlands. The virus is being spread through the Citadel botnet. This factsheet will take a closer look at the relationship between Dorifel and Citadel, describe the impact of an infection and recommend steps to take if you are infected. We conclude with providing a number of tips to avoid infection.
IBM WebSphere Portal HTTP Response Splitting Vulnerability