Tageszusammenfassung - Montag 2-09-2013

End-of-Shift report

Timeframe: Freitag 30-08-2013 18:00 − Montag 02-09-2013 18:00 Handler: Robert Waldner Co-Handler: Stephan Richter

Njw0rm - Brother From the Same Mother

FireEye Labs has discovered an intriguing new sibling of the njRAT remote access tool (RAT) that one-ups its older "brother" with a couple of diabolically clever features. Created by the same author as njRAT - a freelance coder who goes by...


US Mounted 231 Offensive Cyber-operations In 2011, Runs Worldwide Botnet

An anonymous reader sends this news from the Washington Post: "U.S. intelligence services carried out 231 offensive cyber-operations in 2011, the leading edge of a clandestine campaign that embraces the Internet as a theater of spying, sabotage and war, according to top-secret documents [from Edward Snowden]. Additionally, under an extensive effort code-named GENIE, U.S. computer specialists break into foreign networks so that they can be put under surreptitious U.S. control. Budget...


Boffins follow TOR breadcrumbs to identify users

Anonymity? Fuggedaboutit! Watching TOR for months reveals true names Its easier to identify TOR users than they believe, according to research published by a group of researchers from Georgetown University and the US Naval Research Laboratory (USNRL).


Cisco IOS TCP ACK Processing Lets Remote Users Deny Service


Cisco ASA Idle Timeout Processing Flaw Lets Remote Users Deny Service


IBM WebSphere Commerce Search Denial of Service Vulnerability
