Tageszusammenfassung - Dienstag 24-09-2013
End-of-Shift report
Timeframe: Montag 23-09-2013 18:00 − Dienstag 24-09-2013 18:00 Handler: L. Aaron Kaplan Co-Handler: L. Aaron KaplanICS Vendor Fixes Hard-Coded Credential Bugs Nearly Two Years After Advisory
Nearly two years after a security researcher published details of the hard-coded credentials that ship with a slew of industrial control system products made by Schneider Electric, the company has released updated firmware that fix the problems. The vulnerabilities, which were discovered by researcher Ruben Santamarta and published in December 2011, affect dozens of productsSecurity Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities exist in IBM Data Studio Web Console, Optim Performance Manager, IBM InfoSphere Optim Configuration Manager, and DB2 Recovery Expert for Linux, UNIX and Windows (CVE-2013-4025, CVE-2013-4024, CVE-2013-4022)
Multiple vulnerabilities exist in IBM Data Studio Web Console, Optim Performance Manager, IBM InfoSphere Optim Configuration Manager, and DB2 Recovery Expert for Linux, UNIX and Windows which could allow an attacker to view sensitive information or perform actions as a compromised user. CVE(s): CVE-2013-4025, CVE-2013-4024, CVE-2013-4022 Affected product(s) and affected version(s): IBM Data Studio Web Console versions v3.1.x Optim Performance Manager for DB2 on LUW v5.1.x IBM InfoSphereVuln: Moodle CVE-2013-4313 SQL Injection Vulnerability
Moodle CVE-2013-4313 SQL Injection Vulnerabilityhttp://www.securityfocus.com/bid/62410
Citrix XenClient XT Multiple Vulnerabilities
Citrix XenClient XT Multiple Vulnerabilitieshttps://secunia.com/advisories/54625
Cybercriminals experiment with Android compatible, Python-based SQL injecting releases
Throughout the years, cybercriminals have been perfecting the process of automatically abusing Web application vulnerabilities to achieve their fraudulent and malicious objectives. From the utilization of botnets and search engines to perform active reconnaissance, the general availability of DIY mass SQL injecting tools as well as proprietary malicious script injecting exploitation platforms, the results have been evident ever since in the form of tens of thousands of affected Web sites on ahttp://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WebrootThreatBlog/~3/uFxqe3lj6ak/
Joomla JVideoClip Blind SQL Injection
Topic: Joomla JVideoClip Blind SQL Injection Risk: Medium Text: == Joomla Component com_jvideoclip (cid|uid|id) Blind SQL Injection / SQL Injection ...http://cxsecurity.com/issue/WLB-2013090161
WordPress fGallery_Plus Cross Site Scripting
Topic: WordPress fGallery_Plus Cross Site Scripting Risk: Low Text: # Iranian Exploit DataBase Forum # http://iedb.ir/acc # http://iedb...http://cxsecurity.com/issue/WLB-2013090160
AspxCommerce 2.0 Shell Upload
Topic: AspxCommerce 2.0 Shell Upload Risk: High Text:# Exploit Title: AspxCommerce v2.0 - Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability # Exploit Author: SANTHO (@s4n7h0) # Vendor Homepage...http://cxsecurity.com/issue/WLB-2013090159
H1 2013 Threat Report
Our H1 2013 Threat Report is now online:Youll find it as well as our previous reports available for download: here. On 24/09/13 At 06:57 AMhttp://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002611.html
Attacks Using Microsoft IE Exploit Tied to Hacking Crew Linked to Bit9 Breach
Security researchers at FireEye have observed a campaign targeting organizations in Japan that is leveraging the Internet Explorer zero-day Microsoft warned users about last week. The campaign has been dubbed Operation DeputyDog, and is believed to have begun as early as August 19. According to FireEye, the attackers behind the operation may be the same ones involved in last years attack on Bit9 a group researchers at Symantec recently identified as a hacking crew called Hidden Lynxhttp://www.securityweek.com/attacks-using-microsoft-ie-exploit-tied-hacking-crew-linked-bit9-breach
D-Link DSL-2740B Router Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability
D-Link DSL-2740B Router Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilityhttps://secunia.com/advisories/54795
Blog: Exposing the security weaknesses we tend to overlook
Cyberwar gegen das Heidiland - Protokoll einer Attacke
Sie versuchen Beweise zu zerstören. Der IT-Forensiker ist seit Wochen auf der Fährte von Hackern, die eine der grössten Cyberattacken weltweit lanciert haben. Eine Offensive gegen militärische und zivile Ziele. Gegen einen Telekommunikationskonzern in Norwegen, gegen den Autohersteller Porsche, einen internationalen Flughafen in Indien und politische Gruppierungen in Pakistan.http://www.sonntagszeitung.ch/wirtschaft/artikel-detailseite/?newsid=262774
"3": Schwere Sicherheitslücke ermöglichte Zugriff auf Kundendaten
Fehlerhafte Passwortröcksetzung erlaubte unter anderem Zugriff auf Kontaktdaten und Sprachnachrichtenhttp://derstandard.at/1379291849554
Inoffizielle iMessage-App für Android schürt Sicherheitsbedenken
App soll Kommunikation über Server in China leiten - User werden vor Nutzung gewarnthttp://derstandard.at/1379291880414
TRENDnet Multiple Products libupnp Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
TRENDnet Multiple Products libupnp Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilitieshttps://secunia.com/advisories/54762
[remote] - Raidsonic NAS Devices Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution
Raidsonic NAS Devices Unauthenticated Remote Command Executionhttp://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/28508
[local] - IBM AIX 6.1 / 7.1 - Local root Privilege Escalation
IBM AIX 6.1 / 7.1 - Local root Privilege Escalationhttp://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/28507
Tenable SecurityCenter "message" Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability
Tenable SecurityCenter "message" Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilityhttps://secunia.com/advisories/54997
IBM Rational ClearCase / ClearQuest GSKit Information Disclosure Weakness
IBM Rational ClearCase / ClearQuest GSKit Information Disclosure Weaknesshttps://secunia.com/advisories/54928