Bash Vulnerability (Shellshock) Exploit Emerges in the Wild, Leads to BASHLITE Malware
Just several hours after the news on the bash vulnerability (covered under CVE-2014-7169) broke out; it was reportedly being exploited in the wild already. This vulnerability can allow execution of arbitrary code thus compromising the security of systems. Some of the possible scenarios that attackers can do range from changing the contents of web server and...
Linux ELF bash 0day: The fun has only just begun...
Background: CVE-2014-6271 + CVE-2014-7169 During the mayhem of bash 0day remote execution vulnerability CVE-2014-6271 and CVE-2014-7169, not for bragging but as a FYI, I happened to be the first who reversed for the first ELF malware spotted used in the wild. The assembly analysis and summary I wrote and posted in here --> [-1-] [-2-] The fun has only just begun...Yes. Today I was informed there is another payload distributed, thanks to my good friend, Father Robin Jackson (credit): Which...
Bad boy builds beastly Bash bug botnet - boxen battered