End-of-Shift report
Timeframe: Donnerstag 29-10-2015 18:00 − Freitag 30-10-2015 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
WPScan Intro: WordPress Vulnerability Scanner
Have you ever wanted to run security tests on your WordPress website to see if it could be easily hacked? WPScan is a black box vulnerability scanner for WordPress sponsored by Sucuri and maintained by the WPScan Team, ..
Anonymisierungsdienst Tor stellt sicheren Messenger vor
Es soll sich um die am einfachsten zu nutzende Verschlüsselungssoftware handeln
Advertising Brokers: A Background Information
Provides background information about advertisement brokers, the men and women that are in the middle of web advertising between sites and advertisers.
DSA-3384 virtualbox - security update
Two vulnerabilities have been discovered in VirtualBox, an x86virtualisation solution.
Bankomat: Diebstahl per USB-Stick
Unbekannter konnte in Deutschland mehrere Geräte manipulieren
Paper on TLS usage for all email protocols, IPv4-wide is online
Today we've published our paper on TLS use in e-mail protocols (SMTP, IMAP, POP..) on the Internet. Our paper and the corresponding dataset are now publicly available, you can find the paper here. Our dataset is published at scans.io. Over the time of ..
Weaknesses in the PLAID Protocol
In 2009, the Australian government released the Protocol for Lightweight Authentication of Identity (PLAID) protocol. It was recently analyzed (original paper is from 2014, but was just updated), and its a security disaster. Matt ..
Pagetable-Sicherheitslücke: Ausbruch aus dem virtuellen Xen-Käfig
Eine Lücke im Xen-Hypervisor erlaubt einem Gastsystem, die Kontrolle über das komplette Host-System zu übernehmen. Hierfür wird die Speicherverwaltung ausgetrickst. Die Entwickler der Qubes-Distribution üben heftige Kritik an Xen.
Citrix NetScaler Service Delivery Appliance Multiple Security Updates
A number of vulnerabilities have been identified in Citrix Service Delivery Appliance (SDX) that could allow a malicious, unprivileged user to ..
Fatale Sicherheitslücken in Zwangsroutern von Vodafone/Kabel Deutschland
Bis zu 1,3 Millionen Router im Kabel-Netz von Vodafone sind über WLAN angreifbar. Der Provider verspricht, die Lücken mit Firmware-Updates zu schliessen. Das kann sich jedoch noch bis Jahresende hinziehen.
Breaches, traders, plain text passwords, ethical disclosure and 000webhost
It's a bit hard to even know where to begin with this one, perhaps at the start and then I'll try and piece all the bits together as best I can. As you may already know if you're familiar with this blog, I run the service Have I been pwned? (HIBP) which allows people to discover where their personal data has been compromised on ..