Bug des Tages: Der FreeBSD-Zufallszahlengenerator war ...
Bug des Tages: Der FreeBSD-Zufallszahlengenerator war seit vier Monaten kaputt. Das betrifft glaube ich nur FreeBSD-current. Wer in der Zeit PGP- oder SSH- oder sonstige Krypto-Keys generiert hat, sollte die dann wohl auch mal zurückrufen und neue machen.
Fuzzing for MS15-010
Intro This past Patch Tuesday Microsoft released MS15-010: Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Could Allow Remote Code Execution. This patch addressed multiple privately reported vulnerabilities in ..
This advisory provides mitigation details for an improper input vulnerability in the CodeWrights GmbH HART Device Type Manager (DTM) library utilized in Yokogawa's HART Device DTM.
Back in December when I revamped the SSH banner and started collecting the fingerprint I noticed an odd behavior. It turns out that a few SSH keys are used a lot more than once.
Beware of fake Facebook "Copyright Violations" warnings
The latest Facebook-themed phishing messages doing rounds are trying to trick users into believing they are "making copyright violations" on their Facebook page. "Please review your ..
Since summer last year I've been working on extensions and contributions to the well known Kippo honeypot developed by desaster. ... New Features: SFTP support, Exec support, SSH tunnelling (direct-tcpip) support, SSH Fingerprint ..
ENISA's recommendations for Certifying ICS/SCADA professionals
Die Geister, die ich rief: Netgear-Router über Genie-App angreifbar
Eine Reihe von Netgear-Routerm plaudern durch die Schnittstelle für die Fernwartungs-App Genie wichtige Informationen über das eigene Netzwerk aus. Unter anderem können Angreifer aus dem Netz so Passwörter auslesen.