Tageszusammenfassung - Montag 30-03-2015

End-of-Shift report

Timeframe: Freitag 27-03-2015 18:00 − Montag 30-03-2015 18:00 Handler: Alexander Riepl Co-Handler: n/a

iOS, OS X Library AFNetwork Patches MiTM Vulnerability

Until yesterday, a popular networking library for iOS and OS X, used by several apps like Pinterest and Simple was susceptible to SSL man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks.


Cisco Unified Call Manager Arbitrary File Retrieval Vulnerability


Privilege Escalation in TYPO3 Neos


Offenbar schwerwiegendes Datenleck bei Uber

Offenbar kursieren im Dark Web zurzeit Zugangsdaten zu Tausenden von Nutzerkonten des Fahrdienstes Uber. Diese werden zu Spottpreisen von mehreren Anbietern laut Motherboard verhökert. Die Datensätze enthalten demnach Benutzername, Passwort und die letzten Ziffern, sowie das Verfallsdatum der ..


British Airways: Hacker hatten Zugriff auf Bonusmeilen

In einem offenbar automatisierten Angriff auf Konten des British Airways Executive Club ist es Einbrechern möglicherweise gelungen, die Bonusmeilen einiger Kunden abzugreifen.


Announcing tlscompare.org

As part of an ongoing project on increasing TLS security we are today announcing https://tlscompare.org This webpage is about evaluating a massive extension of the ruleset for HTTPSEverywhere, a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox which ..


Newsletter 3.7.0 - Open Redirect


Projekt-Hosting: Tagelanger DDoS-Angriff auf Github

Seit Donnerstag läuft die grösste DDoS-Attacke auf Github seit dem Entstehen des Dienstes. Experten vermuten, der Angriff gehe von chinesische Behörden aus, bestätigt wird das durch den Projekt-Hoster aber nicht.


Security Attacks via Malicious QR Codes

With the increasing use of smartphones, QR codes are becoming popular. Recently, WhatsApp launched its web version, which needs QR code scanning to access the web version of WhatsApp. So, many people now know what QR code is, but still more are unaware. It is very similar to a bar code we ..


OpenSSL RSA Temporary Key Cryptographic Downgrade Vulnerability


Ad Networks Ripe for Abuse Via Malvertising

Criminals have found a safe haven abusing legitimate processes, such as real-time bidding, implemented by online advertising networks to move exploits and malware, and build botnets and fraud campaigns.


WordPress Plugin - Revslider update captions CSS file critical vulnerability

Today being another day at work for SecureLayer7 to recover our client's defaced website, and bang I think I hit upon a nasty vulnerability of a famous plugin. Although we successfully patched the vulnerability and we fixed the undoing of the blacklisting. On further research I stumbled ..
