End-of-Shift report
Timeframe: Montag 18-07-2016 18:00 − Dienstag 19-07-2016 18:00
Handler: Alexander Riepl
Co-Handler: n/a
Third time (un)lucky – improved Petya is out
So far, we dedicated several articles to the interesting, low-level ransomware called Petya, hijacking the boot sector. Each of those versions was using Salsa20 algorithm to encrypt Master File Table and make disk inaccessible. However, ..
DSA-3622 python-django - security update
It was discovered that Django, a high-level Python web developmentframework, is prone to a cross-site scripting vulnerability in theadmins add/change related popup.
World-Check terror suspect DB hits the web at just US$6750
Last months borked Couchdb breach delivers more pain to Thomson Reuters The World-Check database that lists "heightened risk individuals and organizations" is reportedly up for sale on the dark web.
Carbanak Gang Tied to Russian Security Firm?
Among the more plunderous cybercrime gangs is a group known as "Carbanak," Eastern European hackers blamed for stealing more than a billion dollars from banks. Today ..
Lauschangriff: Netzwerk-Geräte von Juniper akzeptierten selbst signierte Zertifikate
Juniper hat in seinem Betriebssystem Junos OS einen Bug geschlossen, der die Signatur-Prüfung von Zertifikaten aushebelte.
Apple aktualisiert alle seine Betriebssysteme
iOS 9.3.3, OS X El Captian 10.11.6, watchOS 2.2.2 und tvOS 9.2.2 stehen zum Download bereit – und beheben Fehler vor dem nächsten großen Update.
Malware History: Code Red
Fifteen years (5479 days) ago… Code Red hit its peak. An infamous computer worm, Code Red exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to propagate. Infected servers displayed the following ..
Cross-Site Scripting in third party library mso/idna-convert
Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in typolinks
SQL Injection in TYPO3 Frontend Login
Cross-Site Scripting in TYPO3 Backend
Pokémon Go: Sicherheitsforscher stoßen auf 215 Fake-Apps
In verschiedenen Android-App-Stores sollen gefährliche Trittbrettfahrer-Apps lauern, die mit Pokémon Go bis auf den Namen nichts gemein haben. Im schlimmsten Fall spionieren sie Geräte aus.
Long lasting Magnitude EK malvertising campaign not affected by slowdown in EK activity
We have been tracking a malvertising campaign distributing the Cerber ransomware linked to the actor behind the Magnitude exploit kit for months. Despite a global slowdown in ..