Tageszusammenfassung - Dienstag 2-08-2016

End-of-Shift report

Timeframe: Montag 01-08-2016 18:00 − Dienstag 02-08-2016 18:00 Handler: Alexander Riepl Co-Handler: n/a

Android Security Bulletin August 2016


Google Domain Enables HSTS Protection

Google ensures HTTPS connections to its domains with support for HTTP Strict Transport Security, or HSTS.


DSA-3637 chromium-browser - security update


Slinging Hash: Speeding Cyber Threat Hunting Methodologies via Hash-Based Searching

Introduction The term "hash" is thrown around in casual IT conversation quite a bit nowadays, ..


36000 SAP systems exposed online, most open to attacks

ERPScan released the first comprehensive SAP Cybersecurity Threat Report, which covers three main angles: Product Security, Implementation Security, and Security Awareness. The company used its own scanning method to gather ..


Im Darknet werden 200 Millionen Yahoo-Accounts verkauft

Login-Informationen zu rund 200 Millionen Yahoo-Accounts werden zum Verkauf angeboten. Und Yahoo weiß darüber Bescheid.


FireEye admits filtering out legitimate emails in sniffer snafu

Benign messages frogmarched into quarantine FireEye has admitted that a snafu involving its email filtering technology meant harmless messages were shuffled off to quarantine for no good reason. www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/02/fireeye_filtering_snafu/

Kasperskys Herz für Hacker: 50.000 US-Dollar für gemeldete Bugs

Als zweiter AV-Hersteller führen die Russen ein Bug-Bounty-Programm ein. Sicherheitsforscher sollen nun Geld dafür bekommen, Schwachstellen in Kaspersky-Produkten zu finden.


Introducing the p0f BPF compiler

Two years ago we blogged about our love of BPF (BSD packet filter) bytecode.CC BY 2.0 image by jim simonsonThen we published a set of utilities we are using to generate the BPF ..


Timing Attacks in the Modern Web

Before you explore all the details of these browser-based timing attacks, head over to my laboratories to play around with these attacks yourself!
