Tageszusammenfassung - Dienstag 23-08-2016

End-of-Shift report

Timeframe: Montag 22-08-2016 18:00 − Dienstag 23-08-2016 18:00 Handler: Robert Waldner Co-Handler: Alexander Riepl

Vuln: WordPress CVE-2016-6897 Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerability


Juniper Acknowledges Equation Group Targeted ScreenOS

Juniper Networks on Friday acknowledged that implants contained in the ShadowBrokers data dump target NetScreen firewalls running ScreenOS.


Obihai Patches Memory Corruption, DoS, CSRF Vulnerabilities in IP Phones

Obihai Technology recently patched a slew of issues in its ObiPhone IP phone products that could have led to memory corruption, a buffer overflow, and denial of service conditions, among other outcomes.


Vuln: PHP php_quot_print_encode() Function Integer Overflow Vulnerability


shellray. a php webshell detector

nimbusec shellray ist ein kostenloser Online Webshell Detector für .php-Dateien.


Voice Message Notifications Deliver Ransomware

Bad guys need to constantly find new ways to lure their victims. If billing notifications were very common for a while, not all people in a company are working ..


Security Notice - Statement About Toolkit Released by Shadow Brokers


'Sicherheits-Check' bei Bank Austria-Kunden

Eine falsche Bank Austria-Mail ist im Umlauf. Darin behaupten Kriminelle, dass Kund/innen einen Sicherheits-Check durchführen müssen. Aus diesem ..


Sandscout: Angriff auf Apples Sandkasten

Im Sicherheitsvergleich mit Android schneidet iOS meist besser ab. In einem aktuellen Versuch gelang es Forschern aber, einen erfolgreichen Angriff auf die Sandboxing-Funktion von iOS-Apps durchzuführen.


Timing of Browser-Based Security Alerts Could Be Better

New academic research shows that security warnings should be better timed to pop up when computers users are less likely to be multitasking.
