∗∗∗ RSA-Sicherheitslücke: Infineon erzeugt Millionen unsicherer Krypto-Schlüssel ∗∗∗
RSA-Schlüssel von Hardware-Kryptomodulen der Firma Infineon lassen sich knacken. Das betrifft unter anderem Debian-Entwickler, Anbieter qualifizierter Signatursysteme, TPM-Chips in Laptops und estnische Personalausweise.
∗∗∗ Browser security beyond sandboxing ∗∗∗
Security is now a strong differentiator in picking the right browser. We all use browsers for day-to-day activities like staying in touch with loved ones, but also for editing sensitive private and corporate documents, and even managing our financial assets. A single compromise through a web browser can have catastrophic results. It doesn’t help that...
∗∗∗ uBlock Origin ad-blocker knocked for blocking hack attack squawking ∗∗∗
Block all the things! No, wait, not the XSS security alerts Top ad-blocking plugin uBlock Origin has come under fire for being a little too eager in its quest to murder nasty stuff on the internet: it prevents browsers from sounding the alarm on hacking attacks.
∗∗∗ Hancitor malspam uses DDE attack ∗∗∗
Malicious spam (malspam) pushing Hancitor malware (also known as Chanitor or Tordal) changed tactics on Monday 2017-10-16. Instead of pushing Microsoft Word documents with malicious macros, this malspam began pushing Word documents taking advantage of Microsofts Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) technique.
∗∗∗ Klage wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung verbreitet Schadsoftware ∗∗∗
In erfundenen Schreiben behaupten unbekannte Absender/innen, dass Empfänger/innen eine Urheberrechtsverletzung begangen haben und deshalb verklagt werden. Für weiterführende Informationen dazu sollen Adressat/innen eine ZIP-Datei herunterladen. Sie verbirgt Schadsoftware und darf nicht geöffnet werden.