Tageszusammenfassung - Freitag 26-05-2017

End-of-Shift report

Timeframe: Mittwoch 24-05-2017 18:00 − Freitag 26-05-2017 18:00 Handler: Alexander Riepl Co-Handler: n/a

Reflections on reflection (attacks)

Recently Akamai published an article about CLDAP reflection attacks. This got us thinking. We saw attacks from Conectionless LDAP servers back in November 2016 but totally ignored them because our systems were automatically dropping the attack ..


Cloak & Dagger

Cloak & Dagger is a new class of potential attacks affecting Android devices. These attacks allow a malicious app to completely control the UI feedback loop and take over the device — without giving the user a chance to notice the malicious activity. These attacks ..


Trump’s Dumps: ‘Making Dumps Great Again’

Its not uncommon for crooks who peddle stolen credit cards to seize on iconic American figures of wealth and power in the digital advertisements for these shops that run continuously on various ..


Österreichs Unternehmen sind bei IT-Sicherheit Nachzügler

Investitionen in die Sicherheit als Chance verstehen


83% of Security Pros Waste Time Fixing Co-Workers Non-Security Problems

Security personnel in many organizations waste time every week helping co-workers with general IT problems, rather than doing their own work, which in the long run, ..


Schwere Sicherheitslücke in Samba gefunden

Exploits bereits im Netz – Updates sollten rasch eingespielt werden


DSA-3863 imagemagick - security update

This update fixes several vulnerabilities in imagemagick: Various memory handling problems and cases of missing or incomplete input sanitising ..


DSA-3862 puppet - security update

It was discovered that unrestricted YAML deserialisation of data sent from agents to the server in the Puppet configuration management ..


Manipulierte Webseiten legen Windows lahm

Problem mit Dateinamen verlangsamt System bis zum Stillstand – Windows 7, 8 und Vista betroffen


Tanze (aktualisierten) Samba mit mir

Die Erinnerung an CVE-2017-0144, und die Auswirkungen von WannaCry, ist bei uns allen noch frisch im Gedächtnis verankert, und damit keine Langeweile aufkommt, hat Samba nun ein Advisory bezüglich einer kritischen Schwachstelle veröffentlicht: All versions of Samba ..


FileZilla FTP Client Adds Support for Master Password That Encrypts Your Logins

Following years of criticism and user requests, the FileZilla FTP client is finally adding support for a master password ..
