Tageszusammenfassung - Mittwoch 21-06-2017

End-of-Shift report

Timeframe: Dienstag 20-06-2017 18:00 − Mittwoch 21-06-2017 18:00 Handler: Alexander Riepl Co-Handler: n/a

Partnering with the AV ecosystem to protect our Windows 10 customers

On Friday May 12th, and for several days afterwards, more than a quarter-million computers around the world fell victim to the ransomware known ..


Unwanted “Shorte St” Ads in Unpatched Newspaper Theme

Unwanted ads are one of the most common problems that site owners ask us to solve. Recently, we’ve noticed quite a few requests to remove intrusive “shorte st” ads that they never installed on their sites themselves. My colleague Denis Sinegubko of UnmaskParasites ..


Hacker exposed bank loophole to buy luxury cars and a face tattoo

♪ Im gonna wait... til the midnight hour, when theres no one else around A UK hacker who stole £100,000 from his bank after spotting a loophole in its systems has been jailed for 16 months. www.theregister.co.uk/2017/06/20/face_tattoo_bank_hacker/

More Android apps from dangerous Ztorg family sneak into Google Play

Almost 100 such apps, with >1 million downloads, found so far (but not by Google).


Minimalist Alina PoS Variant Starts Using SSL

More than four years ago, we published a series of blogs discussing in-depth analysis of Alina Point of Sale (PoS) malware. And for the past four years, it is interesting to see ..


Nach Leak: Studio zahlte "Orange Is the New Black"-Erpresser

Hacker hatten etwa 50.000 US-Dollar gefordert


Wannacry: Honda stoppt Autobau wegen Ransomware

Autowerk im japanischen Sayana setzt vorübergehend Produktion aus


Decline in Rig Exploit Kit

Unit 42 investigates recent developments in the EITest & psuedo-Darkleech campaigns contributing to the decline of Rig exploit kits.
