∗∗∗ Boobytrapped Word File Installs Locky Ransomware When You Close the Document ∗∗∗
Summer vacation is over! During the past week, security researchers have discovered several distribution campaigns pushing the Locky ransomware via different methods, including a new variant that features one hell of a clever trick.
∗∗∗ US Government Site Was Hosting Ransomware ∗∗∗
As recently as Wednesday afternoon, a U.S. government website was hosting a malicious JavaScript downloader that led victims to installations of Cerber ransomware. The malware link has since been taken down.
∗∗∗ Malware writer offers free trojan to hackers ... with one small drawback ∗∗∗
Beware of geeks bearing Cobian RAT gifts Those looking on the dark web for malware capable of hijacking computers might have thought they were getting a bargain when a free trojan appeared on various online souks over the past few months.
∗∗∗ Lücke in HPE Operations Orchestration ermöglicht Remote Code Execution ∗∗∗
Die Software Operations Orchestration erlaubt in allen Versionen vor 10.80 die Codeausführung aus der Ferne. Hewlett Packard Enterprise rät zum Update. Auch für zwei Performancetest-Tools des Herstellers stehen Aktualisierungen bereit.