∗∗∗ 9% of Popular Websites Use Anti-Adblock Scripts ∗∗∗
Around 9% of todays most popular websites deployed or are deploying anti-adblock scripts in an effort to maintain advertising revenues and fight off the rise in the adoption of ad-blocking extensions.
∗∗∗ VMware Issues 3 Critical Patches for vSphere Data Protection ∗∗∗
VMware released three patches fixing critical vulnerabilities affecting its vSphere cloud computing virtualization platform.
∗∗∗ Massive Lücke in Intel-CPUs erfordert umfassende Patches ∗∗∗
Derzeit arbeiten Linux- und Windows-Entwickler mit Hochdruck an umfangreichen Sicherheits-Patches, die Angriffe auf Kernel-Schwachstellen verhindern sollen. Grund für die Eile: eine Intel-spezifische Sicherheitslücke.
∗∗∗ Serial Swatter “SWAuTistic” Bragged He Hit 100 Schools, 10 Homes ∗∗∗
The individual who allegedly made a fake emergency call to Kansas police last week that summoned them to shoot and kill an unarmed local man has claimed credit for raising dozens of these dangerous false ..
∗∗∗ Android-Update: Google räumt zahlreiche Sicherheitslücken aus ∗∗∗
Media Framework bleibt problematischster Bereich – Update für Pixel- und Nexus-Devices begonnen
∗∗∗ Cybersecurity stand im Fokus eines Sicherheitsgipfels in St. Pölten ∗∗∗
Behördliches Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement soll u.a. weiter ausgebaut werden – Nächstes Treffen im Herbst
∗∗∗ Cisco WebEx Advanced Recording Format Player Remote Code Execution Vulnerability ∗∗∗
A vulnerability in Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player for Advanced Recording Format (ARF) files could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system of a targeted user. The attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending the user a link or email attachment with a malicious ARF file and persuading the user to follow the link ..
∗∗∗ PMASA-2017-9 ∗∗∗