End-of-Day report
Timeframe: Montag 18-11-2019 18:00 - Dienstag 19-11-2019 18:00
Handler: Stephan Richter
Co-Handler: n/a
Linux, Windows Users Targeted With New ACBackdoor Malware
Researchers have discovered a new multi-platform backdoor that infects Windows and Linux systems allowing the attackers to run malicious code and binaries on the compromised machines.
Buran Ransomware Infects PCs via Microsoft Excel Web Queries
A new spam campaign has been spotted distributing the Buran Ransomware through IQY file attachments. When opened, these Microsoft Excel Web Query attachments will execute a remote command that installs the ransomware onto a victims computer.
Coin Stealer Found in Monero Linux Binaries From Official Site
The Monero Project is currently investigating a potential compromise of the official website after a coin stealer was found in the Linux 64-bit command line (CLI) Monero binaries downloaded from the download page.
Elasticsearch: Datenleak bei Conrad
Der Elektronikhändler Conrad meldet, dass ein Angreifer Zugang zu Kundendaten und Kontonummern gehabt habe. Grund dafür war eine ungesicherte Elasticsearch-Datenbank.
Windows Debugging & Exploiting Part 2 - WinDBG 101
Hello again! After our previous post about the environment setup, now it is time to cover the main tool of this project, the WinDBG.
When Bank Communication is Indistinguishable from Phishing Attacks
You know how banks really, really want to avoid their customers falling victim to phishing scams? And how they put a heap of effort into education to warn folks about the hallmarks of phishing scams? And how banks are the shining beacons of light when it comes to demonstrating security [...]
Vulnerability in ABB Plant Historian Disclosed 5 Years After Discovery
It took Swiss-based industrial technology solutions provider ABB five years to inform customers of a critical vulnerability affecting one of its products, and the researcher who found it says this increased the chances of threat actors discovering and exploiting the security flaw.
Vorsicht bei angeblichen Gewinnspielen von Magenta, A1, Drei oder Liwest
Aktuell verbreiten Kriminelle über unterschiedliche Kanäle Fake-Gewinnspiele. Sie werden entweder per E-Mail, SMS oder mittels Pop-Up im Browser benachrichtigt, dass Sie angeblich ein Smartphone gewonnen haben. Um den Gewinn zu erhalten, muss nur eine kurze Umfrage beantwortet und ein kleiner Geldbetrag für den Versand bezahlt werden. Vorsicht: Es handelt sich um eine Abo-Falle.
Schwere Sicherheitslücke in WhatsApp entdeckt
In WhatsApp wurde eine Schwachstelle gefunden, die es Angreifern ermöglicht, Dateien zu stehlen und Nachrichten auszulesen.
Lernplattform Moodle: Entwickler schließen kritische Schwachstellen
Moodle-Admins aufgepasst: Neue Versionen schließen mehrere, teils als "Serious" bewertete Lücken.
Security updates for Tuesday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (python-psutil, slurm-llnl, symfony, and thunderbird), Fedora (gd and ghostscript), and SUSE (ceph, haproxy, java-11-openjdk, and ncurses).
Lexmark Services Monitor Directory Traversal
Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect IBM Performance Management products
Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in Curl affect PowerSC (CVE-2019-5435, CVE-2019-5436)
HPESBHF03963 rev.1 - Certain HPE ProLiant Servers with Intel CSME, AMT, SPS, TXE,
HPESBHF03968 rev.1 - HPE Gen10 ProLiant, Apollo, and Synergy Servers using Intel CPU Transactional Synchronization Extensions (TSX) Asynchronous Abort (TAA), Local Disclosure of Information
HPESBHF03969 rev.1 - HPE ProLiant Gen10 Servers using certain Intel Xeon Scalable Processors, Voltage Modulation, Local Denial of Service
HPESBHF03971 rev.1 - HPE Servers using certain Intel Processors, SMM and TXT, Local Escalation of Privilege
HPESBST03964 rev.1 - HPE Nimble Storage, Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
Google Chrome: Mehrere Schwachstellen