Tageszusammenfassung - 24.07.2019

End-of-Day report

Timeframe: Dienstag 23-07-2019 18:00 - Mittwoch 24-07-2019 18:00 Handler: Robert Waldner Co-Handler: n/a


Videolan: Eine VLC-Lücke, die keine ist

Ein eher unbedeutender Fehler in einer Abhängigkeit des VLC-Players wird von Behörden fälschlich als schwere Sicherheitslücke klassifiziert und viele Medien übernehmen dies ungeprüft. Das Videolan-Projekt ist nicht erfreut.


Exim: security release ahead (CVE-2019-13917)

We discovered a vulnerability. We consider the risk of an exploit as low, you need to have a fairly unusual runtime configuration. Neither our default runtime configuration nor the runtime configuration shipped by the Debian distribution is vulnerable. This is a *heads-up* notice about the upcoming release. Coordinated Release Date (CRD) for Exim 4.92.1: Thu Jul 25 10:00:00 UTC 2019


Warnung: Schadsoftware mit angeblichem BSI-Absender verschickt

Derzeit verschicken Kriminelle per E-Mail Schadsoftware und gaukeln dabei vor, die Mails stammten vom BSI. Bislang bekannte Mails nutzen die Absenderadresse "meldung at bsi-bund.org". Das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) ist nicht Absender dieser Mails.


Keine Ware trotz Zahlung: epic-media.shop

Konsument/innen auf der Suche nach Wasch- und Kaffeemaschinen, Spielkonsolen, Staubsaugern, Kameras und anderen technischen Geräten stoßen auf epic-media.shop. Gute Preise verlocken zu einem schnellen Einkauf. Doch Vorsicht: Bezahlte Ware wird nie geliefert, denn hinter der Website steckt nichts als Betrug!



Vuln: Poppler CVE-2019-9959 Integer Overflow Vulnerability

Poppler is prone to an integer-overflow vulnerability because it fails to adequately bounds-check user-supplied data before copying it to an insufficiently sized memory buffer. Attackers can exploit this issue to cause denial-of-service conditions.


Vuln: GNU Binutils libiberty CVE-2019-14250 Integer Overflow Vulnerability

GNU Binutils is prone to an integer overflow vulnerability because it fails to adequately bounds-check user-supplied data before copying it to an insufficiently sized memory buffer. Attackers can exploit this issue to execute arbitrary code within the context of the affected application. Failed exploit attempts will likely cause a denial-of-service condition.


Serious Remote Code Execution Flaw Affects ProFTPD Powered FTP Servers

... it's important to note that not every FTP server running vulnerable ProFTPD can be hijacked remotely, since the attacker requires log-in to the respective targeted server, or the server should have anonymous access enabled.


HAProxy CVE-2019-14241 Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability

Attackers can exploit this issue to crash the affected application, denying service to legitimate users. Versions prior to HAProxy 1.9.9 and 2.0.3 are vulnerable.


D-Link DSL-2750U Multiple Authentication Bypass Vulnerabilities

An attacker can exploit these issues to bypass authentication mechanism and perform unauthorized actions. This may lead to further attacks. D-Link DSL-2750U Router 1.11 is vulnerable; other versions may also be affected.


Security updates for Wednesday

Security updates have been issued by Debian (kernel, linux-4.9, and neovim), Fedora (slurm), openSUSE (ImageMagick, libgcrypt, libsass, live555, mumble, neovim, and teeworlds), Oracle (java-1.7.0-openjdk, java-1.8.0-openjdk, and java-11-openjdk), Red Hat (java-1.7.0-openjdk), Scientific Linux (java-1.7.0-openjdk), SUSE (glibc and openexr), and Ubuntu (mysql-5.7 and patch).


Synology-SA-19:31 SRM

A vulnerability allows remote authenticated users to set a new password without verification via a susceptible version of Synology Router Manager (SRM).


Security Advisory - TLS Certificate Verification Vulnerability in Huawei 7900 IP Phones


IBM Security Bulletin: IBM Cloud Private - Session not invalidated on logout (CVE-2019-4439)


IBM Security Bulletin: In IBM Cloud Private on OpenShift icp-scc SecurityContextContraints is erroneously assigned to all pods in all namespaces


IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in IBM Java SDK affects IBM Virtualization Engine TS7700 - April 2019


IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK and IBM Java Runtime affect IBM® Db2®.


IBM Security Bulletin: Potential denial of service vulnerability in IBM Decision Optimization for Watson Studio Local


IBM Security Bulletin: Rational Build Forge Security Advisory for Apache HTTP Server (CVE-2019-0196;CVE-2019-0197;CVE-2019-0211;CVE-2019-0215;CVE-2019-0217; and CVE-2019-0220)


IBM Security Bulletin: IBM Cloud Private for Data is affected multiple security vulnerabilities in IBM Cloud Private Kubernetes


IBM Security Bulletin: IBM QRadar SIEM is vulnerable to CSRF attack (CVE-2019-4212)


IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in Eclipse OpenJ9, Oracle Java SE, and IBM WebSphere Application Server affect IBM Watson Compare and Comply for IBM Cloud Private for Data


IBM Security Bulletin: IBM Cloud Private for Data is affected by vulnerabilities in the Setup package. CVE-2018-1113


NTP vulnerability CVE-2019-11331
