01.08.2018 17:21
"National CERT" vs. "National CSIRTs"
The NIS Directive built upon previous work in the space of network and information security and also tried to use the established language of the field. This worked - up to a point. I'm trying to summarize the differences and pitfalls regarding the term "national CSIRT"."CERT" vs. "CSIRT"Initially, a team that took care of computer and network security incidents was called a "CERT", a "Computer Emergency Response Team". That term got trademarked by Carnegie Mellon University and they give licenses to all legit teams who want to use that word.To get around the trademark issue, the term "CSIRT - Computer Security Incident Response Team" was introduced. In the European academic and research network community, the task force dealing with this topic is thus called "TF-CSIRT".Both terms used to mean the same thing.
CERT/CSIRT Designation/AccreditationThere is no one-fits-all answer to the question "What is the criteria according to which a security team can call itself a real CERT/CSIRT? ". Here are some indicators:
This blog post is part of a series of blog posts related to our CEF-Telcom-2016-3 project, which also supports our participation in the CSIRTs Network.
Author: Otmar Lendl
- The right to use the CERT trademark (granted by CMU/CERT-CC)
- Membership in FIRST (the global association of CSIRTs)
- Registration/Accreditation/Certification in the Trusted Introducer Directory
- Formal designation as CSIRT by a national authority according to the national implementation of the NIS-D (Article 9)
- Listed on the ENISA CSIRT map
- Membership in the CSIRTs Network
- Membership in regional CERT associations (e.g. German CERT-Verbund, EGC)
- Reputation as a valuable peer built over years of collaboration with other CSIRTs
- Protect what?
- Computer Infrastructure: - CSIRT
- Product Security: - PSIRT
- Relation to Constituency?
- Part of same organization: e.g. siemens-cert
- CSIRT services are part of some other contract: NREN-CERTs, ISP abuse teams, some GovCERTs, financed by chamber of commerce (or similar) ...
- Outsourced/Contracted CSIRT service
- No contractual relationship: national CERTs
- (Maybe even CSIRT/Constituency relation defined by law)
- Definition of the Constituency?
- Geographic boundary: city, state, country, region, global
- Specific sector: government, military, academics, sectors of the critical infrastructure or operators of essential services, ...
- Specific Company: e.g. Siemens AG
- Role of the CSIRT?
- Advisory role only
- Reporting requirements exist
- CSIRT can order countermeasures
- the ENISA CSIRTs repository,
- the Trusted Introducer Directory,
- and the FIRST Members map
- Principle of Subsidiarity: If there is another CERT more closely associated with the affected system, then that team will take care of the incident. A national CERT is the "default" or "fallback" CERT.
- The "national CERT" will act as information hub: both inside the country as well as a point of contact for the country for foreign CERTs.
- Its role is usually rather hands-off: it will provide guidance, publish warnings, incident notification and will not generally provide on-site remediation help.
A computer emergency response team (CSIRT) with National Responsibility (or "National CSIRT") is a CSIRT that is designated by a country or economy to have specific responsibilities in cyber protection for the country or economy. A National CSIRT can be inside or outside of government, but must be specifically recognized by the government as having responsibility in the country or economy.The CERT-CC webpage also lists such teams. ENISA wrote in the 2009 document "Baseline capabilities for national / governmental CERTs"
National CERT Informal definition: a CERT that acts as national point of contact (PoC) for information sharing (like incident reports, vulnerability information and other) with other national CERTs in the EU Member States and worldwide. National CERTs can be considered as "CERT of last resort", which is just another definition of a unique national PoC with a coordinating role. In a lot of cases a national CERT also acts as governmental CERT. Definitions may vary across the EU Member States!There is usually just one CERT per country that claims the role of the "national CERT", but this is not set in stone. For example, SWITCH-CERT and GovCERT.ch share this role for Switzerland. CSIRTs according to the NIS DirectiveEarly drafts of the directive used the term "CERT", the authors switched to "CSIRT" to avoid the trademark issue.Here are some of the relevant quotes from the NIS-D:Recital (34)
[...] In order for all types of operators of essential services and digital service providers to benefit from such capabilities and cooperation, Member States should ensure that all types are covered by a designated CSIRT. Given the importance of international cooperation on cybersecurity, CSIRTs should be able to participate in international cooperation networks in addition to the CSIRTs network established by this Directive.Article 9
1.Each Member State shall designate one or more CSIRTs which shall comply with the requirements set out in point (1) of Annex I, covering at least the sectors referred to in Annex II and the services referred to in Annex III, responsible for risk and incident handling in accordance with a well-defined process. A CSIRT may be established within a competent authority.[...]4.Member States shall inform the Commission about the remit, as well as the main elements of the incident- handling process, of their CSIRTs. 5.Member States may request the assistance of ENISA in developing national CSIRTs.To summarize: There are a number of relevant industries (Operators of Essential Services [OES] + Digital Service Providers [DSP]) that a group of CSIRTs in each Member State collectively need to cover. There can be a single CSIRTs covering all, or the responsibility can be split over multiple CSIRTs. The only requirement from the NIS-D is that every identified OES/DSP must have a CSIRT (which is qualified according to Annex I) assigned to it.The term "national CSIRT" appears here for the first time in the whole directive. I've talked to the Austrian team that was involved in the negotiations of the directive, and I asked them if the text is referencing the concept of the "National CERT" as described above. The clear answer I got is "no, this is just shorthand for a designated (according to Art 9 1.) CSIRT in a Member States".There are two clear indications that this is the correct interpretation:
- There is no definition of a "national CSIRT" in the NIS-D, nor a reference to an external definition.
- The NIS-D is exclusively concerned about the critical infrastructure (OES+DSP), it does not cover the security of the rest of a country: other industries, small and medium enterprises, or private citizens. Those are covered by the old definition of a "national CERT's constituency".
Yes, it is possible for CSIRTs that cover a specific sector or service to be funded under this call, if they have been designated by a Member State as a CSIRT pursuant to Article 9 of the NIS Directive.Or the answer to question 18:
A CSIRT is considered eligible in the sense of the call if it has been designated by a Member State as a CSIRT pursuant to Article 9 of the NIS Directive.The CSIRTs NetworkThe NIS Directive also establishes a network of CSIRTs:Article 12:
1.In order to contribute to the development of confidence and trust between the Member States and to promote swift and effective operational cooperation, a network of the national CSIRTs is hereby established. 2.The CSIRTs network shall be composed of representatives of the Member States' CSIRTs and CERT-EU. The Commission shall participate in the CSIRTs network as an observer. ENISA shall provide the secretariat and shall actively support the cooperation among the CSIRTs.If we take the definition "national CSIRTs" as "NIS CSIRTs in the Member States" then the two paragraphs fit together nicely:
- Each Member State creates or appoints one or more CSIRTs that cover the NIS constituency (OES + DSP)
- All of these CSIRTs are members of the CSIRTs Network
This blog post is part of a series of blog posts related to our CEF-Telcom-2016-3 project, which also supports our participation in the CSIRTs Network.