In this blog's employees can post research and thoughts. This is done with least possible oversight, so opinions in blogposts are not necessary opinions of
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Jan 16
IntelMQ 1.1.1 released
On Tuesday we have released IntelMQ version 1.1.1 which is a pure maintenance release with bugfixes only. The documentation for the version 1.1.1 and the installation instructions can be found on our github repository.The development of the next minor release 1.2.0 including new features is ...
Nov 26
CEF-2018-3 project submitted submitted a proposal under objective 1 for the CEF-TC-2018-3 call. We hope we will get funding, since this will allow us to improve the MeliCERTes platform and also work on a set of nice new cool features for IntelMQ, which is maintained at and widely used throughout the community.
Written by: Admin
Aug 01
"National CERT" vs. "National CSIRTs"
The NIS Directive built upon previous work in the space of network and information security and also tried to use the established language of the field. This worked - up to a point. I'm trying to summarize the differences and pitfalls regarding the term "national CSIRT"."CERT" vs. "CSIRT"Initially, ...
May 14
Mac OS X tip: how to protect your mail client
Based on some background knowledge that we received (update 2018/5/14 14:00 UTC+1: we now know it's the bug. The researchers went forward with the public release today), I am taking the liberty to document a setup which protects an Apple Mail installation that I have.The security measure ...
Feb 20
Successful MISP workshop
Last week, Alexandre and Andras from gave a MISP workshop to a packed crowed of ~ 60-70 people in Vienna.Infosharing FTW!MISP stands for "Malware Information Sharing Platform". See also It allows us to synchronise IoCs with those who need the relevant information ...
Jan 27
Heartbleed: (Almost) three years later
Shodan recently published a report on the state of Heartbleed which was picked up by lots of media outlets.I took this as an opportunity to have a look at our statistics. Shodan performs its scan based on IP-addresses and makes the results searchable. also runs daily scans, but these are ...
Apr 11
DROWN update
As I wrote in our initial DROWN blogpost, we're scanning .at for mail- and web-servers which are still supporting SSLv2. We're notifying our constituency and we see a steady drop in the number of servers (as measured by IP-Addresses) that are vulnerable:
So it is slowly getting better.Looking ...
Mar 11
One quick note on DNSSEC Validation failures
I wrote back in 2010 that ISPs should prepare for the inevitable backlash if their DNSSEC-aware resolvers black out an important domain.We now had just such a case: the protagonists make it even juicier than I imagined: Comcast customers could not access the new HBO website where they could get ...
Nov 28
Lesestoff: Ron Deibert
Wir leben nicht nur in einer technisch interessanten Zeit, sondern auch die gesellschaftliche Diskussion rund um Geheimdienste, Privatsphäre, Verschlüsselung, 0-Days bis hin zu "Cyberwar" ist für die Zukunft des Internets sehr relevant.Dazu wird viel geschrieben und publiziert, ich ...
Sep 30
Completed: Maintenance work on Tuesday, Sep. 30th, 2014
Because of required changes in our firewall infrastructure, all Internet-reachable services of will be unavailable for some time on Tuesday, September 30th, 2014, starting at about 9am CEST. An "emergency" website with restricted functionality will be made available.In urgent cases please ...